Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happiness is an attitude.

"Happiness is an attitude.  We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.  The amount of work is the same". Each day, when we wake up, we have the power to have the best day possible. Even though it may begin like any old boring day, wake up, eat a bowl of cereal, its going to be hot so i already know i will be pissed at some point in the day.  OR It can become one of the greatest days we have ever known. God has blessed us with each day.He blessed us with today. What a gift. What did you do with this day? We don't know how long we have here and sometimes we get so comfortable in the routines of our daily lives, and we go from living to simply existing. We need to begin to wake our hearts and live to our fullest. And by fullest I don't mean doing what ever we want! Whatever our flesh desires. I already know the end of that story . That road leads to nothing but destruction. I am talking about living fully, with purpose. Realizing The Lord has given us this day. Is a pretty good way to start. This day is a gift from the Holy and living God. The best way we can live, is by serving Him. I know it sounds super cheesy and I hate speaking in "Christain-ese" , but it is the only truth that I know.  I have served the gods of my flesh . I have searched high and low. Looking for happiness.. looking for inner peace, whatever that is. From The Secret to the Law of Attraction. Seeking only joy in the things of this world, only the joys of the American Dream. Isnt that what we all want? Money? Success? Good looks? So we give anything to get it without realizing what it is costing us. I have done good and bad. I have tried to figure out how to be happy and how to take control of my life. Yeah that worked out well. The only thing I came to realize , not only do i not have control of my life... but i really don't have control of anything at all. If i eat well and work out and look good then surely I will be happy.. if I just have fun ... I will be happy. Isnt that what we are all looking for? Happiness?But what if there is more to the story? What if  maybe we are all searching for the wrong thing.... maybe we should not be on the pursuit of happiness , but on the pursuit of Holiness. "Be holy, for I am holy" (If you ever have time read the book by Jerry Bridges. amazing) We long to be happy and to have life all figured out. But the tighter we hold on to this life....the more we loose it. We lose ourselves and we forget why we are even here. We forget our First Love. We love the world and we forget that this world has nothing to offer us. We will not be here forever. As we have all heard " be in the world but not  of it. " It is so hard to keep that balance. To love God, and serve Him, and Love people but hate the evil of this world. It is such a battle. The more and more I try to figure it out...the more I confuse myself. Why cant I just be a perfect christian!? Serving Jesus and acting like him and loving Gods people ( when people really drive me nuts) Gah! haha. But I guess if I was perfect I would have no need for a loving savior. The more and more I try to be my best... the more and more I separate myself from God. " Hey God, I know your all knowing and you are in control of my life, but i think I can do a better job at it B.R.B" Yeahhh that works. Instead, I could simply be like "Oh Hey God, I am a human and I suck...HELP!" He loves us so much that He sent us a love letter. The Living Word! To tell us HOW to live, not because He is a mean God who wants to control us...but because he wants us to be happy. He loves us so much that he wants what is best for us. Everything we have had to "give up". Weather it be a bad relationship, or sex, or porn...something we thought was so good in the moment. Something this world thinks is great and Everyone Does It... but something that left us feeling empty and alone and broken. When we give these things up to God...its not because He wants us to stop having "fun"... its because He hates to see us, His people, settling for less. Why are you doing this? He must be thinking. " I love you so much and I want to make you whole,  I want to love you unconditionally and take care of you and lift you up. " Who wouldn't choose to fallow God. Maybe its pride? Maybe we dont want to do it becuase we have been told to do it, and "we don't need that" Or we think, Ok I know.... Ill change later.. i fallow God tomorrow. When I simply begin to spend time in the Word, or spend time and revolving my everyday around Jesus...I feel ok. I might not be happy and joyful everyday. But I feel ok. I feel like the days that I am living aren't for nothing. I feel like there is something bigger, Someone bigger... So I guess when we realize that we can live each day ... to our fullest... buy loving God and serving Him and doing everything to bring glory to His name... then we can actually really start enjoying life. :]] Ok yeah... I want to start to enjoy life, I want to start with God. I want to be happy with life. 

Sooo today I started my day off by cleaning and praying.. listening to worship music. I wanted to start my day off right. Spending time with the Lord always changes my perspective. I try to have life's questions always figured out. I need to understand everything!! And it drives me crazy, because its impossible. I can't figure out everything. Im not all knowing. Even though I think I am sometimes. But God, He knows everything. He MADE everything. HE spoke it into existence. There is so much more going on in the  world than the fact that I am mad because my air condition broke. I live in a constant mind battle. Trying to be positive, but when I just read about how awesome Jesus is.... and how amazing God is. The wonderful Lord who made the stars, who told the water in the ocean to only come up so high, who placed the sun exactly where it should be that it will not burn us alive but will not leave us dead in the dark .... He is perfect... He knows the answers. The sooner i have peace in that, the sooner I can be happy with myself and just enjoy what He has given me. 

Today I enjoyed Tea and Fellowship with my best friend Amanda:] It was pretty fun. We went to Teazer in Fresno. It was nice to just be out and about. Talking to an amazing person. We went to the Teazer in Riverpark. Riverpark is pretty cool on Tuesday nights in the summer. They host a farmers market. The market has booths with everything from face painting to hummus. Summer nights truly are the best. :]

So I was GONNA add a super cool picture I took today...but due to technical difficulties I guess I will just post one from the internet. :]

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